
pvcompare.stratified_thermal_storage.calc_strat_tes_param(weather, temperature_col='temp_air', user_inputs_pvcompare_directory=None, user_inputs_mvs_directory=None)[source]

This function does the precalculations of the stratified thermal storage.

It calculates the following parameters:

  1. nominal_storage_capacity

  2. loss_rate

  3. fixed_losses_relative

  4. fixed_losses_absolute

from the storage’s input data provided in stratified_thermal_storage.csv and using functions implemented in oemof.thermal (github.com/oemof/oemof-thermal).

  • weather (pandas.DataFrame) – Contains weather data time series. Required: ambient temperature in column temperature_col.

  • temperature_col (str) – Name of column in weather containing ambient temperature. Default: “temp_air”.

  • user_inputs_pvcompare_directory (str or None) – Directory of the user inputs. If None, constants.DEFAULT_USER_INPUTS_PVCOMPARE_DIRECTORY is used as user_inputs_pvcompare_directory. Default: None.

  • user_inputs_mvs_directory (str or None) – Path to input directory containing files that describe the energy system and that are an input to MVS. Default: DEFAULT_MVS_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY (see constants().


  • nominal_storage_capacity (numeric) – Maximum amount of stored thermal energy [MWh]

  • loss_rate (numeric (sequence or scalar)) – The relative loss of the storage capacity between two consecutive timesteps [-]

  • fixed_losses_relative (numeric (sequence or scalar)) – Losses independent of state of charge between two consecutive timesteps relative to nominal storage capacity [-]

  • fixed_losses_absolute (numeric (sequence or scalar)) – Losses independent of state of charge and independent of nominal storage capacity between two consecutive timesteps [MWh]