
pvcompare.plots.plot_compare_technologies(variable_name, kpi, scenario_list, outputs_directory=None)[source]

Comparison of different technologies at different locations for specific KPI’s.

kpi: list of str

List of KPI’s to be plotted. Possible entries:

“Degree of NZE” “Costs total PV”, “Installed capacity PV”, “Total renewable energy use”, “Renewable share”, “LCOE PV”, “self consumption”, “self sufficiency”, “Degree of autonomy”, “Total non-renewable energy use”

scenario_list: list

List with the scenario names that should be compared Notice: all scenarios you want to compare, need to include the loop-outputs for the same variable / steps. The scenario names should follow the scheme: “Scenario_A1”, “Scenario_A2”, “Scenario_B1” etc.

outputs_directory: str or None

Path to the directory in which the plot should be saved. If None: constants.DEFAULT_OUTPUTS_DIRECTORY is used. Default: None.


Saves figure into outputs_directory.

Return type
